Monday 27 August 2012 | By: The Boyd's

Adilson's Encounter with His Heavenly Papa

We’ve been praying for our boys to have dreams and visions from Heaven so that they will know that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them unconditionally who will never leave them nor forsake them.  Our prayer has been that they would have supernatural encounters with our living Jesus...well our prayers are beginning to be answered! Yesterday one of our youngest boys Adilson aka (Zimba) who is 10 years old came to us and said he wanted to talk to us about a “spirit” that has been following him. So...intrigued and shocked of course we wanted to find out what was going on!

A little background on Adilson: Adilson has been with us the past several months, he’s one of our newer Shekinah boys. Adilson had a mom who just recently passed away and he doesn’t know anything about his father so he’s been on the streets of Tete for several months now running with the rest of our Shekinah boys. We immediately fell in love with Adilson when he started coming around. He’s always got a huge smile on his face and he loves to dance and make people laugh! He brings joy to our heart and always puts a smile on our face!

Keep in mind Adilson is 10 years old so this story may not be grammatically correct or in the perfect order, I’m just writing it the way he told us! Also prior to him telling us this story we’ve NEVER discussed these things that he shared. We’ve only told him that there is a man named Jesus who died for him who sent us here to Tete all the way from America to love on him and feed him, and that this man died to save us so we could have eternal life and not go to hell where the devil is. This is all we’ve shared with Adilson and we know that he’s not had anybody else in his life teach him about Jesus or anything relating to the bible. As you read this try to imagine sitting in Africa at a little stick kitchen table with concrete walls and floor and no paint with a precious 10 year old Mozambican boy sitting in front of you telling you this amazing story and hopefully you’ll be able to share in the joy it brought us.

And so his story began yesterday... These are the words of Adilson just the way he told us.... “I had a dream Saturday night. I heard a loud scream and I woke up. When I woke up I saw a bright bright bright light! I’ve never seen a light this bright before! And then a voice came from the light and said, ‘If you want to be with Jesus you have to take my life and I will take yours. I don’t want a child like you to suffer. You are staying with my heart.’ So I responded, “Who is this?” Then the voice from the light said, “You don’t need to drink, smoke or steal because your gonna be a Pastor one day and you are gonna help other kids just like you. You don’t need to get into anybody else’s car except for Nick & Marlene’s. Then I saw a cross and devils beating this man and he was on the cross and he said, “I’m dying for you, I died for you!”  So when people beat you, you just keep your head down, you don’t beat them, you just apologize.” Then he said, “When you are on the street and people ask you to carry their stuff to their car and then they offer you money tell them ‘I don’t want your money, I just want to help you.’ Then he told me, “if your brother beats you, just say I’m sorry.” Then he said, “If you see your brothers fighting, tell them ‘Why are you fighting? You are brothers!’
Then he said, “If you listen to the things I am telling you, you will grow up to be a fine young man.” Then he said, “I am leaving now” and He took a bible bigger than your house, much much bigger, your house is little compared to this bible and he said, “ Do the things I told you today.” 
Then Adilson said, “In the light I saw a man....dressed all in white. With a BIG BIG white beard, I’ve never seen a white beard like his before, and his sandals were so different, I never seen any like his. Then I saw a little cup, really small cup way up high, my heart was pounding and I was laughing the whole time; and the whole time he was way up high and he was REALLY REALLY BIG, I had to look WAY WAY UP HIGH to see his face.”  

Then Adilson looked at us and he said, “I’m tired now, I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” hahaha! We sat in amazement wondering how in the world this could be. Marlene and I kept looking at each other saying “how in the world could he know all these things? Did he really see Jesus? Was this a vision or did Jesus actually come and visit him? He said he saw the light after he woke up from the dream!?!?! Did he have a visitation? I wonder if the cup was a cup of joy he was pouring out on Adilson? I wonder if it was the cup of His blood?” 

We were amazed and we still are! All I can imagine is Jesus is answering our prayers and he came to visit Adilson to reveal to him how real he is! When we had to take Adilson back to the street last night to drop him off he looked at us and said, “please don’t tell all my brothers (the other Shekinah boys) because they will think I’m crazy.”  We laughed and agreed, dropped him off and drove home amazed at our Papa! So many things were going through my mind... “did Jesus really answer our prayers? Is he really visiting our boys? What could it have been like? I wonder how it felt?”  I thought back to last week while Marlene and I were at a conference in Beira and Jesus showed me a vision...In the vision I saw the heavens open up and dreams and visions were falling from heaven onto our boys. These dreams and visions were filled with Glory! I cried and cried amazed and so full of joy with hopes and anticipation for this vision to actually happen. Marlene and I have both prayed and prayed for Jesus to begin to reveal himself to our boys in supernatural ways....

He hears our prayers and he answers them.  We pray that this story fills you with joy, excitement, peace, love, and questions just like we have that make you go DEEPER to find the revelations of Papa’s heart! May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Thank you for your prayers for us and Shekinah! Please keep them coming! He hears our prayers and answers them... 

"To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill." Psalms 3:4

Blessings, Grace & Peace in Him,

Nick & Marlene